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                                                            When Your Jet Airways Flight Status Shows A Delay

Your first reaction upon finding out through the Jet Airways flight schedule that your flight has been delayed will most probably be that of utter disappointment. To be disappointed is of course natural, but what you don’t realize is that even this time if it can be utilized in the right manner would eventually prove to be quite useful. After all how often do you have the luxury of affording a delay? In a world where everything goes by the hands on a clock a little delay could certainly be seen as a blessing in disguise.


If you happen to be at the airport and have just learnt that the Jet Airways flight status is showing your flight on the list of delayed ones, you should firstly check how many hours the flight is delayed by. If the delay is really prolonged and there is absolutely no chance of the flight taking off in an earlier time than the one projected, you should certainly see if you can fit in a visit to a friend in the city you are set to take off from. Many passengers have made use of this time to catch up with long lost friends and relatives and have actually ended up thanking Jet Airways for the delay!

Even if you happen to be in your own city you will be surprised as to how many names pop up in your head as soon as you think of this plan. Well thanks to the delay shown on the Jet Airways flight status, here’s your chance to start off on the list!